Saturday, December 19, 2009 2 comments

Maybe I'll get an MBA - Part 2

Dear ASU College of Business,
In the immortal words of pop artists The Blackeyed Peas "Don't Phunk With My Heart."

Sometimes I even amaze myself with how quickly I can go from curious to elated to in love to surprised to disappointed to are you kidding me?

Yesterday I came across this article in the Arizona Republic about the new Masters of Commerce program offered by ASU for non-business majors "who want practical business education." The program as I understand it is only one year, concludes with an entrepreneurial consulting project and fills those education gaps for individuals looking to turn their passion into profit (or nonprofit). Can this program BE anymore perfect for me?

I thought I had died and gone to Masters Degree Heaven.
Monday, December 7, 2009 0 comments

Maybe I'll get an MBA - Part 1

Recently, I attended Preview Day for the Full-time MBA program at ASU. The schedule consisted of an opening speech by the stylish and cheerful female Associate Dean who assured us that NOW IS THE TIME to return to school. After that it was three sessions on curriculum, career placement and admissions, a sample marketing class (taught by another spunky young female professor), followed by lunch, a discussion on financing your education and a meet-n-greet with a group of smiling and I'd guess highly caffeinated current students.

Here is a progression of my mood throughout the day:
Saturday, December 5, 2009 4 comments

Sparkle Is Not My Color

As much as I wish I was, I will never be one of those people who exudes sunshine and happiness from their every pore. And believe me, I've tried. Naming my blog was an exercise in trying to achieve this very elusive position, and I think we can all agree it's been crash and burn since the very beginning. I've tried to emulate a few of my favorite sparkly social media mavens and actually googled "How to be a Happy Blogger" (Really, I'm not kidding. And admitting this is only slightly less embarrassing than asking for Twitter Socks for Christmas.) but somehow couldn't put the advice into practice. Shocking, I know.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009 3 comments

What's My Mission Statement?

Inspired this week by a post @analiesemarie's Tulips and Tea and Kimberly Wilson's podcast #167 interview with writer/artist Laura Zam, I have been thinking quite a bit about goal setting.

Isn't it fitting that we're in the midst of the holiday season and nearing the end of 2009?